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Here at Parkwood, Foundation Stage to Year 6 use and supplement the White Rose's approach to teaching Maths. Despite using this as a guide, we do have our own calculation policy. 
We also use the guidance given by NCETM to guide progression within the subject. The documents identify the previous steps in learning they should have taken as well as the next step. Teachers are encouraged to ensure the children have taken the previous step so that they have a solid foundation on which to build:

As a school, we take children on a journey through three stages for each area of Maths. First, the children explore new learning using concrete learning experiences through the use of manipulatives. This is followed by the same concept being tackled using pictorial representations. Once the children are secure in the fundamentals of each concept, they are then expected use a more abstract approach to their learning. 

For more information, read the school's Maths Policy.
Below you will find an overview of the curriculum for each year group.
Year 1: 
Year 2:
Year 3: 
Year 4: 
Year 5: 
Year 6:
For further guidance for parents concerning the White Rose Scheme of learning, follow the link below:

 *Please note that teachers will reorder and prioritise based on the information gained from assessments points throughout the year so that the curriculum is tailored more specifically to the needs of the children. 

In addition to White Rose Maths teaching, Year 1 and Year 2 will be teaching an additional 10 minutes of maths teaching a day designed by the NCETM to build number sense. It is fully funded by the NCETM. FS will use a blend of the NCETM Number Sense scheme and White Rose. See overviews for Number Sense below.


Year 1

Year 2

For further information regarding the Number Sense scheme, use the link below:

We know how important it is to reduce cognitive load therefore we invest in Times Tables Rock Stars. This program allows the children to rehearse their number facts and memorising times tables makes it far quicker for children to work out mental maths problems in their headsWe recommended using Times Tables Rock Stars for three minutes a day as practise little and often will move this knowledge into our long term memories.

We also use Doodle Maths for children to rehearse a wide variety of other areas of Maths at home. Using technology in this way additionally helps us to reduce the amount of paper being consumed by the school.