Is your child ill?

"If your child’s ill and will be absent from school, you need to tell us."
"We use a service called" Studybugs "Which makes it easy"

At Parkwood, we have adopted a ‘This is how we do it here..’ approach to behaviour.

See behaviour policy:

Optimum learning takes places in a calm atmosphere where expectations are clear and routines are well-established and embedded. We have three fundamental rules at our school that we set our routines and expectations around.
We use Widgits to communicate our expectations across the school site in a way that is clear and easy to understand for all learners. 
We encourage our children to do the right thing by trying to make them understand that they are a part of our school community and that negative actions and negative words will have an impact on others around them. We want them to move beyond the school gates with skills that are transferable and welcomed in the local community. 
We offer incentives to our children in the form of credits. Credits are earned for positive actions related to all aspects of school life. Those credits are combined collectively and contribute towards house point totals so that a real team approach can be fostered. Also, the children are able to use their credits to purchase privileges. These vary from year group to year group to ensure our offer is age appropriate.