How can contact the pastoral support team?


Any child in the school can ask to speak to our Pastoral Team if they have a problem or a worry about school or at home. They can do this by either requesting a Time to Talk slot (Year 2-Year 6); approaching the team or by asking a member of staff. A suitable time will then be arranged to meet.

Parents and Carers

If you have a pastoral concern regarding your child, you can phone the school, speak to your child’s class teacher or make an appointment via the school office to see Mrs Wintle . Please call the school office on 01634 234699 or email: 

School Staff

A pastoral referral form can be completed and then a meeting with the pupil will be arranged depending on particular needs.

What support do we offer at Parkwood Primary School?

At Parkwood Primary, we are able to offer a tiered approach to our pastoral support ensuring our pupils receive the appropriate level of support to match their needs.

Time to Talk

Our pupils in Year 2 - Year 6 are able to self-refer themselves for some pastoral support through our Time to Talk boxes. The children fill in a slip including their name and class and a short reason why they would like to speak to someone from the pastoral team. These children will then spend around 10 minutes with a member of the pastoral team where they will talk about their concerns and look at strategies they can use to help them in the future.

Mid-level Therapeutic Interventions

For children who require a higher level of support to enable them to take a more in depth look at the issues that are concerning them, they will have regular mid-level therapeutic interventions. These sessions are run by our play therapist. The sessions are around 40 minutes long and can be run in a variety of ways (play therapy/sand therapy/art therapy) tailored to the child’s interests.