Is your child ill?

"If your child’s ill and will be absent from school, you need to tell us."
"We use a service called" Studybugs "Which makes it easy"

At Parkwood we use two forms of assessment that help to guide the teaching and learning efficiently and accurately. We use these systems to help us build up a picture of your child's learning and progress. 
Summative Assessment
Parkwood is part of the PiXL (Partners in Excellence) club. It is a summative assessment tool.  It helps build up accurate picture of the children's learning in a precise way. This helps teachers pinpoint areas of learning which need to be addressed and also helps show if the children are on track to achieve all they can and are making good progress. Regular testing, using an age-appropriate approach, is carried out three times a year at regular intervals.  

As a school, we use Insight to track children's progress and attainment over their time at Parkwood. It is used by teachers to look at progress over time and identify children who are in need of additional intervention to move their learning forward. We also use the system to track interventions a child has participated in so we can see what intervention a child has been part of. 

Formative Assessment

We also use Balance as a formative assessment tool. This gives children control of their own learning and leads to meaningful and purposeful feedback from the teachers, and accurate self assessment on a lesson by lesson basis. We believe that the children should be at the centre of their own learning and know what they need to do to get better.

Assessment in the Foundation Subjects

At Parkwood, we identify five key performance indicators (KPIs) per year group for each subject. As the children move through their sequence of learning, teachers use the evidence available to them to decide if the child has achieved the key performance indicator or not. This form of assessment also allows teachers in the following year group to look back over a child's learning before they decide on the first step forward to be taken.